Getting an account
Fluid Numerics offers allocations on Galapagos using a subscription model. You can easily purchase a subscription from our online shop.
If you would like to purchase multiple user seats, have a managed service agreement, or obtain steep discounts for annual commits, contact us today
Account Features
- 1
cloud identity premium account - 100 GB /home directory space per user
- A maximum of 1 simultaneously running job per user (up to 10 jobs in the queue)
- A maximum of 4 GPUs per job
- Wall-clock limit of 8 hours per job
- Daily limit of 8 hours (wall-time)
- Chat, email, scheduled video call support that covers usage of the cluster and software porting & optimization
When using our software porting and optimization support, all changes to your source code remain your intellectual property. We just want to help, with no strings attached.
All users are subject to the terms and conditions, including the acceptable use policy, published online at